
We source most of our products from local suppliers. Do some good by supporting your local farmer!


Fresher, higher in nutrients and often, more affordable

Homemade ingredients

We cook fresh using simple ingredients with hardly any sugar or wheat

Fast & Easy

Supermarket stressing you out? Skip trips to the store, receive your order within an hour and create a full meal within minutes.

In Season

Farmers Corner

At Misfit Union we want to support and strengthen local farmers, and especially the younger generation of farmers who have adapted to the natural techniques of cultivation - a huge step into sustainable farming. Without using chemicals, they are growing what is in season and can be sustainably grown on their lands without the unnatural push for big quantities.

We want to succeed in having the smallest footprint by organising the pick-ups, storage and distribution of the fresh produce and by also using all the “waste” to make jams, chutneys etc – which give us the chance to be creative in the kitchen and offer an interesting and yummy variety of products.

Click here to find out more about our union of farmers ????
